Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Oh dear

My sisters new Puppy Crosby on the left and his sister Winnie on the right. Aren't they adorable? They are Miniature Golden Doodles.

The owners of Winnie have allergies and have to give her up. My sister has taken her, but is now having second thoughts because of what she has read on the internet about raising puppies together.

Her first hand research she has done (talked to dog club presidents, vet etc.) have been more positive.

Anyone have any experiences they can relate? Advice good or bad?

- Dog


posted by Irish Church Lady :) @ 6:36 AM  
6 ppl had things to say:
  • At 12:42 PM, Blogger LAC said…

    Sorry, no advice to share. But had to tell you they are both adorable. I want to give them both big hugs!!!

  • At 1:08 PM, Blogger She-Schenker said…

    Such cute pups! They almost don't look real...

    Thanks for playing. =)

    I would follow the advice of people I know personally before anything I read on the internet, But that's just my 2 cents...

  • At 4:07 PM, Blogger Kathy said…

    Pretty dogs!! Who could give those away?

  • At 8:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I say listen to your heart and to trained experts that you know. Personally, I see nothing wrong raising two pups. :)

    I love the way Winnie has her paw out on the arm of the chair. So cute!

  • At 6:35 AM, Blogger Ingrid said…

    I really don't understand what the problem is ! Why not raising two puppies ? People also raise two kitten or two babies ! I know quite a lot of people who took to dogs at once and raised them together. It's even nice so they are not alone. And as the picture looks, they seem to understand each other very well ! They look like two little plush dogs, very cute.
    I also would say listen to your heart and not to stupid know it alls. Mostly there is business involved and not love for animals !

  • At 8:57 AM, Blogger Heart of Rachel said…

    They are adorable puppies. I see nothing wrong in raising two puppies together as long as you can give them ample attention and care. Hope everything works out. Take care!

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