Visiting with my sister-in-law. She had MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and was hospitalized the last 10 years of her life. She died in November 2004 in her early forties.
We got the call that she had died on the weekend that my husband was doing his Fourth Degree for the Knights of Columbus. We were at the dinner dance at the time and had to leave promptly to head out of town.
It was kind of unexpected because although she was ill with her MS and suffered from numerous infections, many of which had been life threatening before, she always pulled through. This particular time, my MIL hadn't called us to say my SIL was ill so we were surprised when we got the call on his cell phone that evening. The KoC did a special inauguration ceremony for my husband that night before we left, knowing that he would not be able to attend the next day, but under the agreement that he would participate in the inauguration at the ceremony again the following year (which he did, he is second from the right).
My beautiful niece is studying to be a dental assistant. She was 15 at the time of her Mom's death.
And what was your memory? Saturday Photo Hunt Irish Church Lady ( ICL )